Feminism is not about Hating men, it is not about acting like men as well. It is about equal rights between men and women.
I still think we live in a sexist world and the fact that we don't realize that makes it even worst.
Women are the lead victims of rape, kidnap, serial killing, sexual harassment and domestic abuse.
Being born a Woman in the middle east is the worst human right condition in the world.
Since the moment a girl is born it is disappointing to most of the families that would prefer a male child to carry the family's name and to take care of the them. Wives who only conceive female babies are considered to be inadequate and her husband should get married to another women that would give him a Male boy.
Girls are taught from a very young age to be discipline and to follow the man of her life order, the chain of command starts from her father then to her brother and after the marriage the command is handed to her future husband (how joyful!) . A Woman that lives her life without a man to tell her what to do is considered abnormal and loose.
As soon as the girl is 14-15 years old she is a little bride to be and she has to watch how she acts and how she behave, so she can keep a good reputation and get married to a man that could provide for her. (very 16th century).
Reputation i believe is a lie that is made up to control girls ( don't do this, don't wear this, don't talk like that, dont walk like that. and the list goes on and on..). When a girl has a bad reputation she is considered an outcast from the society and any other girl that contact with her could be tainted, and might as well lose her reputation too.
Being married is the highest a girl dreams could reach. It is all she is allowed to look forward to.
Finding a man (preferably a rich one) depends on how pretty she is and her cooking and cleaning skills.
She needs to be a good wife and a mother that is all she is born to ever be. Leaving the rest for the men.
Me and my sister used to kid about how sexist our society is that it is almost like a religion, or a cult were the holy male penis is worshiped, if you have it you are holier and better than the ones who don't have it. You must be obeyed and followed for you are the penis beholder, the highest power of them all. Every house must have a penis to worship and if you don not follow those rules you deserve to be beaten stoned and even killed.
Women are not allowed to love, drink, stay out late and even smoke for they should keep their families reputation . Men on the other hand are considered more manly with the more women they sleep with that he himself call (bitches and sluts) for sleeping with him. he is not judged by his love life, or by his actions since it is only childish acts that no one takes seriously.
Domestic abuse against Women n the middle east is a very serious matter 1 out of 3 women has been abused through out her life time. Talking about it is something very hard for those women for it is considered a Scandal and she will be ruining the families (reputation) and even her selves so in most of those cases Women don't seek help because honestly they wont even find it in some countries in the middle eat domestic abuse is not even considered a crime (read your law you will be so surprised) and not even the law but even 90% of abusive men don't see it as immoral they can be Muslims and even pray right after his beating up session. This will not change unless we do this is our responsibility to help those children and women . Another serious matter is the HONOR KILLING witch means basically if a man suspects his daughter, wife or mothers virtue has been compromised he kills them to gain back his reputation some laws as well don't see that as a crime.
We will never move forward unless we give the basic human rights to women. You can see that the most a country is under developed the most sexism and women abuse occurs there actually it is i cant believe we live in 2013 and it is still okay for Men to beat up Women
I blame women as much as i blame men for our oppression. I blame every Mother that treats her son differently. Every girl that calls another girl a Bitch for doing something she accept from a guy.
I blame every Women that does not stand for her self .I blame teachers for not teaching equality. I blame the government for not having better laws to protect Women.
Every Woman that is not a Feminist is a Sexist! You deserve more! you are not somebodies property! No one has the right to tell you how to act or what to do! You do whatever makes You happy! Follow your Dreams! Get an education! Get a job and support yourself! Be a Role model be a Rebel against injustice be a proud Feminist.
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