The hippie was originally youth movement that arose
in the United States during the mid-1960s and spread
to other countries around the world.
A hippie opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles. they advocated spontaneity, free expression of love and the expanding of consciousness, often wore long hair and unconventional clothes, and used psychedelic drugs.
in the United States during the mid-1960s and spread
to other countries around the world.
A hippie opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles. they advocated spontaneity, free expression of love and the expanding of consciousness, often wore long hair and unconventional clothes, and used psychedelic drugs.
The hippie inspired sense of fashion is absolutely one of my favorites especially in the summer time.
To have this look you should first should understand the whole ideology behind it. It is about being a free spirit, breaking away from the cultural standards and customs. It is more than just clothes you wear, It is about expressing an idea, an idea of love and freedom.
The hippie look is about wearing natural fabrics like cotton and silk and wool.. Hippies were very close to mother nature, and that is expressed in the things they wear. They are also very inspired by the native american culture and that is also seen in their style.
You can still incorporate hat style in your everyday outfits in a more settle way such as wearing head bands,
braiding your hair, leaving your hair long and untamed, maxim skirts and adding a lot of accessories like rings and bangles and necklaces.
The great thing about the hippie style is that it does not have to be expensive, actually it is completely against
spending a lot of money or even time deciding what to wear you can get away with wearing second hand clothes hand made accessories and items.
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